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Thursday, January 21, 2010


My friend Geri found this on You Tube today...I haven't seen it in ages and ages. It was the second commercial I ever did, and just a blast to shoot! The people at Southwest Airlines were so nice, as was the director and crew. Honestly, I've heard a lot of horror stories about shooting commercials, but I myself never had a bad experience. I always had a blast and everyone was always kind to me!
Plus, there's free M&Ms at Craft Service, and for reals...who can resist that!

Just FYI, I'm the sneezy one.


WDC said...

I love that commercial!

Jennifer said...

HAHAHAHA! I've never seen that commercial! How funny! VERY convincing sneeze, I might add! OSCAR! ;-)

Janice said...

Wonderful Stephanie.

Liz Mays said...

That was hilarious!!!!

Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

I remember that commercial! Good job. It gave us a laugh.

Amo said...

That was a funny commercial! Way to go!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Free M&Ms sound perfect to me ;) Happy SITS Saturday!