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All the fabulous people (yes YOU!) are meeting over at Dial M for Minky {Motherhood & Mimosas}

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Moving Van is here....

It's time y'all. Time to pack up this dog and pony show and move it on over to a brand new spiffy place. Like Oz.
I can't wait! I hope you all will join me and will like the new design. Every time I look at it I get happy. I can't wait to get all set up and move in full time. And also, I hope I can figure out all the bells and whistles at wp. Eek!

I hope you stick with me for the fun and games!

I leave you with this, from the ever practical Mommy-McGuyver Dub:

I call that muti-useful. Indeed. And I do hope you will all joing me at
for more

Motherhood &Mimosas!