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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Magical Morning

Stinker and I rolled outta bed around 10 today. No, we didn't sleep in. Well I suppose we did, but in our defense it was only because someone little and cute and warmly pudgy who had a shot yesterday was up half the night.
Imagine my delight when I woke to big fat fluffy snowflakes falling frantically to the ground. I carried him over to the patio doors and oh! how did I not have a camera??? His face upon seeing that snow was priceless. Hallmark Christmas commercial kid delight. Just perfect.

You know what wasn't as perfect? The actuality of cold wet snow upon his face. Not a big fan, but he graciously allowed me to carry his Royal Highness from tree to bush to car to bird house so that he could investigate the wonder of the newly white blanketed world.

It was really cool.


Amo said...

Those are precious pictures. I wish it would snow here so my son can go play in it! It snowed a couple of times last year,but he was still an infant then. This year he would have a blast! I'm glad you had this experience with him.

Cluttered Brain said...

That's a KEWL picture of you and your little one. You are gorgeous! You look like you could be a model! ;)
I am so GLAD it is NOT snowing where I am. I loathe the snow... I'm an hour from Vegas and I hope it never snows here...Good odds say it won't. But you can enjoy the snow...;)I do like coming in from the snow and enjoying a warm cup of hot cocoa though! Hope U have a FABULOUS day!

Debbie said...

How wonderful! And that photo is incredible.
Stopped by from SITS.

raineyday626 said...

What a beautiful picture of you and Max!

KarieK said...

What a literally picture perfect moment in time. How awesome and special is that photo!