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Friday, December 4, 2009

Aporkalypse Now.

Dub stood no chance against a Max-Zuzu team up!

Ten days of a visit...2 pictures where you can kinda see both of their faces.

Two nights ago (which is like afternoon back home) I got an upset text from Dub. Zu had a temp of 104 and the pediatrician suspected the dreaded (duh duh duuuuuuuuuunn) Swine Flu (how's that whole H1N1 renaming thing going? Yeah, thought not) over the next 12 hours I read text after text of panic and fear and sadness as Dub struggled to keep her baby as comfortable as possible. At 4 am he was shivering violently and not sleeping at all. Needless to say, he was at the pediatricians ASAP. Official diagnosis given and Tamiflu administered.

Except for that terrible bit where the little ones can't keep anything down or in during this flu.

Trickedoo! The meds won't even stay down. Sigh. My very own panic at Stinker getting sick reached a fairly high level so I made the same call I've made every week to Dr. Courtney (she's young! she's blonde! she's awesome!) and wonder of wonders, miracles of miracles my question was answered with a yes, we have the vaccine, bring him on down.

Last night Zuzu slept a little bit on his daddy's chest, congested and fevery but resting a bit and I peeked in on my own cherub and cried a little.

Being away from Dub and Zu and Janice and Ben is really, really tough on me. It's tough being away from all my friends/family in Los Angeles but being away from my best friend Janice and my godson Ben and from Sistah Dub and Zu is utterly heartwrenching. I am missing everything.
And I feel guilty. Guilty for leaving shortly after Janice's cancer diagnosis (she kicked it's ass by the way!) and Zuzu was only 10 weeks old and newly diagnosed with PKU. We were supposed to be Team Zuzu. Raising PKU awareness together and taking the kids to do fun stuff together. I'm still not over it.

Especially when something happens... something where I would have been able to help. I looked at my Stinker all snuggled with his Sock Monkey and I thought I should really be leaving you in Daddy's care and heading to Dub's to rock Zu while they take a rest, a shower, a meal...anything to give them a little break.
Of course I can't do that at all. All I can do is send Dub late night texts telling her what an amazing mom she is. How scary it must be to see your little one so sick.

This morning I woke early and when Stinker stirred I brought him to bed with me and we snuggled in the covers, cuddling with the Prozac Puppy, slowly waking and stretching. Those morning smiles he gives me are the bestest. The joy he has that I am still here can only be matched by...well by mine that he is still here!

I spoiled him with yogurt and blueberry muffins for breakfast before we bundled up (you rarely have to bundle in LA and I still haven't gotten the hang of it) and headed out to get stuck.

He handled it like a champ. Me? I'm going for a spotless record of crying every time he gets a shot. Perfect record so far!

Afterwards I treated myself to some Starbucks, Stinker got an emtpy cup with a lid just like he likes and I was happy listening to him sing along with Frank Sinatra's Christmas Album. I know I'm biased, but fer reals y'all, my kid is awesome.

Dub tells me Zu is doing better today, still sick but hopefully on the road to recovery. I hope he feels better soon, and I hope we get to visit asap. Cause fer reals y'all, my nephew is awesome.

Hope all of you and your little ones too are nothing but happy and healthy!


Liz Mays said...

I hope he's better soon too. My gosh, the kids are adorable!

Amo said...

I'm assuming Dub is your sister? If so, I totally understand where you are coming from. My sister and I thought we would have kids around the same time and they would grow up playing together, etc etc, and then her husband got a job six hours away! So, it makes me sad every time I think about it. Our kids won't be as close as they could be, and we won't be as close to our nephews or nieces as we would have been. I'm glad your son is doing well and that your nephew is getting better!