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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just like we planned...

 Max and Zu in a rare moment of rest. 
Please note that Zu is completely dressed while Max is rocking a shirt, diaper, and one sock, with iPhone at the ready.
He's fashion forward.

When Dub and I were little we would play Let's Pretend. A lot. Stunning we both became performers, non? There were always handsome husbands, brilliant careers and beautiful babies.
When we were pregnant we dreamed about what our lives would be like once the babies arrived. the play dates we would have, lunches at our favorite place and of course...sneaking away during nap time while the boys dozed.
And by boys, I of course mean both our sons and our husbands.

We landed in Los Angeles safe and sound after what might have been the longest flight in the history of toddler hood. Max powered through 5 hours of flight from 8 p.m. till 2 a.m. (his time) falling asleep finally just as the the pilot announced "We are now beginning our descent into Los Angeles."
He was utterly entertained the entire time thanks to the fantabulous touch screen t.v. Thank you Virgin America! Everyone was really great with Max, except for of course one woman right in front of us who let out a great, heaving moan of martyrdom anytime he so much as giggled. Starting from the moment we boarded the plane it was a plane full of moaning in annoyance if he so much asked for milk.

Suck it woman, we were doing the best we could!

There was only one 3 minute period where the kiddo just freaked out, I felt terrible for all the others around us. Except for that woman. Again. She could suck it.

 Max partied like a rockstar til 1 a.m. (for the faint of heart that would be FOUR AM his time) before we convinced him to pass out. He was up bright and early with the the sun at 7:30.
It was a near literal reenactment of Dawn of the Dead over here. But so worth it. the boys quickly made friends and as we adults indulged in coffee, Max and Zuzu shared bananas.

It was so amazing to see them running around together, the same height, two little heads bobbing up and down as they raced around the house getting into things together.

Just like we planned.

We headed out to meet our friend Sean at Aroma Cafe, our favorite place. the boys were still tired and crazy and just basically toddler with a captial T. We all took turns toddler baby wrangling.

Just as it should be.

After some serious nap fighting (how can two such tired boys fight sleep so hard!) Dub and I escaped for a mani/pedi and Starbucks run.


This evening was exactly as I dreamed it would be.The menfolk grabbed us some delicious Mexican food and the kids chowed down then it was Toddler Dance Party time!  The boys played, wrestled and  laughed. There were rousing renditions of Ring Around the Rosey, much toddler tossing in  the air. It was just....utterly perfect.

Tomorrow we are off to WWJD's for some more dreams coming true. Seeing Max and Godson Ben playing together...another 'Just like we planned.


Lis @ ATruckerWife said...

it sounds perfect out there!


Salt said...

It sounds wonderful and makes me wish that I had a BFF who would have a child at the same time as I will. Max must be having the best time!!

Enjoy your trip and that west coast weather!