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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things I never thought I would say to anyone of the male persuasion...or anyone really.

Let me smell your butt.

I say it like ten times a day, or 'scoot over here and gimme a booty sniff'. Usually followed by one of two phrases 'fresh as a daisy' or 'yay! poopies!' Cause you don't know joy till your baby poops. You could be in the middle of Church on Sunday and your baby could finally let it go, louder than a truck driver and you would look up at Jesus on the cross and earnestly, with nothing but gratitude in your heart utter "thank you God." And mean it. Really, truly and more than any other prayer ever. Thank you. Luckily my sister Dub's baby is 6 days older than Max so she happily accepts the "Max pooped!" texts and responds with "you're so lucky!" We used to be so fabulous, sending each other invites to parties and making arrangements to attend opening nights at the Geffen or scheduling mani/pedi shopping trips. Now it's all poop, weight gain (babies), weight loss (us, hopefully),and sleepless nighttime texting. Since she's in L.A. (jealous) we always text anytime any baby wakes, usually about how long it will take me to get back to LA and how much we miss each other and how we were supposed to be raising our babies together. I mean we started practicing with our Cabbage Patch babies ages ago! Anyway, everything is totally about poop. Especially when you've started solids. In the last two weeks Mr. Monkey is just wanting to eat everything in sight! He's grabbing bread, crackers, pasta anything he can get his little hands on. Which is super exciting but also a little scary because these days they scare the heck outta ya with allergy warnings. Seems unfair to keep stuff from him when he so desperately wants it, so I'm splitting the difference letting him have some things but keeping him from say, the spicy Italian veggie sausage that he wanted. I'm thinking spicy+soy= really upset tummy. It's so hard to say no to that sweet little face and those chubby monkey hands, but I guess that is truly being a mommy. Saying no when you want to say yes.


MommaD said...

I can't believe that I love that my husband will just pick up a kid and sniff his butt, no quams about image, taking this one for the team. It really becomes all about what goes in and what comes out of those little buggers we love so much!

Golfersmom said...

Following from the MBC. Look forward to reading your tweets.

KarieK said...

As moms we are so terrible about that...I ask my 14 mo olds all the time if they are stinky when I know the stench is unbearable! Love it! Found you on MBC, looking forward to reading more musings!

Deb said...

It's amazing how certain words become run of the mill. At an adult function, I actually told everyone at the table I had to go pee. Then I realized my audience was all over 3 years old!

That's so great that your sister has a baby at the same time...and it's such a bummer to be far apart. I know what you mean about always imagining that you would be sharing these moments in a different way.

Jennifer said...

My sister and I are the same exact way! TMI: she sent me a picture via phone one afternoon of my niece's poop using a deodorant container as a point of reference for size.

Sarah said...

Hi! Following from MBC! You have a cutie!!! =)

Brilliant Sulk said...

Oh yes, it's all about the poop now but once you're on to child # 2 it's "Hmm, something smells. Is that the dog? Or me? Where IS that baby?" Savor these poop days, they'll be gone in a flash....

By the way, found your blog on The Obnoxious Stay at Home Mom" Check my blog out too.....

Stacy Uncorked said...

I remember those days... :)

Stopping by from MBC's Follow Me Club - I'm your newest follower and am thoroughly enjoying my visit...poop talk and all! ;)

Lisa from PinkInAHouseofBlue said...

we love poop at our house too! i never imagined how cool it would be until i had kids lol love reading your blogs!